Glascock Condominium Association


kWh savings to date


utility cost savings to date

Condominium association of environmental NGOs and non-profits backs up their broader mission goals by investing in on-site energy efficiency

Recurrent Innovative Solutions has provided building engineering and comprehensive energy management services for the Glascock Condominium Association since 2006. The association houses environmental non-profits including the Nature Conservancy, American Fisheries, and American Forestry Association. Our services include building engineering and construction management, preventive maintenance, energy procurement, building system upgrades and contract management.

Over the past decade we have implemented a range of improvements which have reduced energy use in the building, including a BAS (Building Automation System,) LED lighting, building sealing, new roof, and others. We have procured below-utility rates to reduce the price of power at the facility. We recently closed the first Montgomery County Green Bank loan to support a new 120-ton Rooftop Unit, which will be installed in winter of 2019.

I have had the pleasure to work with Recurrent Innovative Solutions for nine years and have only had good experiences with them.  They always look for ways to improve my building with the most cost-effective method, and with excellent results.  Whenever I have needed help, they always come through in a timely fashion.  Their employees are professional and friendly, quickly handling any problem with attention to detail.  I would recommend them to anyone in need of their services.

Denise Spencer

President, Glascock Building

Project Details

Building Type: Condominium Association
Building Size (ft2): 23,542
Recurrent’s Role: On-Site Engineer/General Contractor
Return on Investment: Varies (multiple measures)
Estimated kWh Savings : 369,764
Estimated Cost Savings : $48,070